Why You Should Invest in an Annual HVAC Tune Up

Manufacturers recommend that you tune up your HVAC system at least once a year. But why? The main reason is to keep your air conditioning unit running at maximum efficiency and to test its operation before the cold comes. You should program HVAC settings once or twice a year, depending on how old your system is. If your system is five years old or older, schedule two adjustments per year.

If you have a newer system, an annual set-up will suffice. Most experts recommend tuning the air conditioner at least once a year. In almost all cases, you should schedule the set-up for spring, just before the summer season, when you'll start using the air conditioning system regularly. Why repair an air conditioner every year? This way, the technician can clean the unit and correct any wear and tear that may cause problems during the hot summer months. In addition, an annual service will help extend the life of your air conditioning system.

At the very least, you should try to have your air conditioner serviced every year in early to mid-spring. However, for optimal performance, it would be in your best interest to have your unit serviced in the fall as well. An HVAC contractor will focus on your boiler to prepare your system to cope with heating demands once temperatures drop. Your HVAC can only survive its lifespan if you take good care of it. One way to do this is to schedule regular maintenance twice a year.

If you maintain your HVAC system well, expect it to last more than 10 to 15 years. It can also help you preserve the factory warranty on your equipment. Air conditioners can last up to 20 years if properly maintained. On the other hand, the average lifespan of air conditioners without regular maintenance is only 10 to 15 years. So if you want to get the most out of your air conditioner, don't skip the set-up.

Doing an annual tune-up of the boiler is the easiest way to avoid breakdowns in the future. The adjustments may vary depending on who you hire, but most of them consist of cleaning the system, lubricating the parts and making sure the connections are correct. Technicians are also on the lookout for any problems that need to be fixed, such as broken heat exchangers or weak pilot lights. When performing annual maintenance, you don't have to worry about dirty gas valves, loose connections, or parts not working properly, causing your heating to turn off on the coldest night of the year. Regular HVAC adjustments can help ensure that your system can meet the demands placed on it, extend its lifespan and even avoid some costly repairs. These and other standard adjustment procedures can increase the operating efficiency of your air conditioner and reduce cooling costs.

So, have we convinced you to invest in a HVAC tune-up? If so, we recommend scheduling your appointment before summer. Programming regular adjustments to your air conditioning system can reduce the risk of a costly breakdown by up to 95%. Turning on the air conditioning system if it hasn't been used for a long time is the perfect time to make sure everything is working safely. This is the ideal opportunity for an HVAC company to inspect your HVAC unit: the boiler in the fall and the air conditioner in the spring. One way to save money and keep your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system in optimal condition is to take out an annual heating, ventilation and air conditioning service plan.

However, if your air conditioner isn't working properly, you can be sure that the repair will cost more than it would cost a tune-up. Regular maintenance of your air conditioning system will increase the chance that it will continue to operate for about 25 years, instead of just 10 years. It's essential that you invest in an annual HVAC tune-up if you want your system to run smoothly and last longer than its expected lifespan. In fact, we propose that an annual HVAC tune-up be an investment in the comfort of your home that you simply cannot afford to skip.

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